It looks like unfortunately we will be parting ways with the mighty 'Big Al', due to irreconcilable artistic and mechanical differences. It's been emotional, but it's time to move on. Due to the mind boggling plethora of options available in todays automotive market, we have decided to go for the theme 'the worst named car in the world' in our search for new wheels.
So far, we've narrowed it down to two contenders:
It's important if purchasing this car to ensure you find an example with the name proudly emblazoned in large letters down the side like the one pictured. This car is perfect for the dyslexic driver, or a fan of spoonerisms. There's an almost limitless supply of jokes about being rear ended available to the lucky owner of one of these beauties.

The Mazda Bongo Friendee
It's probable that a team of marketing guys & girls sat through months of brainstorming sessions, finally whittling the options down to this incomprehensible choice. Obviously, at no point during the process was anyone struck with the revelation that this is one of the worst names ever conceived for a car.
Got any more suggestions? Answers on a postcard please.
It's got to be the Friendee, you would be a laughing stock with the Enima!
How's the bump coming along? (for the benefit of those who refuse to use facebook)
Are you boarding again yet?
Fred and Hels
Just don't get a Nissan Pajero - apparently means Wanker or small penis in Spanish - obviously alot of research went into that name. Also apparently it's politically incorrect to use the phrase "brainstorm" these days and the correct term is "thought shower"! Ahem. Good luck with your quest for the worst named car ever. Much love as always. Will recommends Daihatsu Ploppy, apparently floats well in water! xxxxx
That reminds me of a French breakfast cereal we found which was a bit like Coco-pops and was called 'Plopsies'!
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