We've arrived home safe and sound from Blighty. Think it will take at least a year to convince us to fly again, the world may be getting smaller but it's still pretty big when you have to fly half way round it.
Hopefully everyone has now heard our biggest news, if not your about to! At the end of October we will be parents. We had our second scan today, and all looks good. They gave us a pretty good idea of the sex, but we won't blog it for those of you who don't want to know! Annie is starting to look bigger now and getting a regular kicking, obviously stretching those surfing legs.
A huge thanks to everybody who made an effort to see us while we were back, and apologies to everyone we didn't manage to catch up with. It was lovely to see you all and catch up on the gossip. Special thanks go out to:
- Nigel and Carole for letting us mess up their house and putting up with the 'old codger' jokes.
- Dax, Mary and Isaac for helping us survive in the woods.
- Carol H for letting us mess up her house and putting up with the 'old Nana' jokes.
- Oli, Linda and Imogen for inviting 'The Family' to converge on their house (brave souls), and to all the Bells for coming.
- Fern, Will, Harry & Boz for the exceptional company, hospitality and risotto.
- Chris, Jo and Dylan for pizza & 'Spaced'.
- The Jacobs and Simmersons for rainy parties & bbq's.
- The Mill Hotel Bar for becoming our second home.
- Brett and Rachael for tea, biscuits and 'fat pants'!
We are settling into the depths of winter, trying to turn into tough Kiwis. It's running up to the ski season, so all eyes are on the mountains and regular snow dances are being performed. Annie will unfortunately be grounded this season but will be compiling reports of the best on-mountain cafes.
More news soon, take care all,
Malc & Annie
IT'S A BOY!!!....... or maybe it could be a girl?
glad to hear that you got back OK, epecting numerous photos of you somersaulting down the ski slopes - watch out for those button lifts, they tend to throw you off halfway up the slope for reasons unknown?*?~!.
best we start putting some pennies aside so that we get oer to see you soon and come and mess up your house.
lots of loe
fred and helen
Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue?
Huge Love to you. Fernie, Will, Harry and Boz xxxx
Congratulations, that's great news!
Chuffed for you.
Sorry i didn't get to catch up with you three!*! Didn't even realize you were in the country until a week before your departure.
Too wet and too far to make it to J&A's party.
Must keep up to date with this blogger stuff
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