Very exciting goings on over Canterbury yesterday afternoon. Just before 3pm, the whole office shook with what felt like an explosion. Everybody looked at each other, and I said 'what in heavens name was that?' ... or something similar. I questioned whether it could of been an earthquake, but this was instantly discounted (apparently I will *know* when it's an earthquake). A bit of discussion ensued, then news reports started coming in on the web about a 'huge explosion being heard over the east of the south island'.
As reports started to become more concrete, it turns out it was the shockwave from a meteorite exploding in the atmosphere. Annie heard it even louder as she was working at the shop with the door open, and it even looks like someone may have found a piece of it.
Now, all we need is an earthquake for comparison...
How amazing! I think I felt it too, but could of been the curry!?
Humm, the most excitment we've had is google earthing (girthing?) between your house and our house and making aeroplane noises. (I made the noises Ash just kept saying "Cool").
Roy 'n' Ash
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