Last week saw Christchurch pay host to its annual World Buskers Festival. This turned out to be a great laugh. There were several stages set up around the city centre, with acts taking it in turn to perform throughout the day. The festival organisers pay for accomadation and flights for the acts, who are picked from the best street performers around the world, but it's up to them to pass the hat as usual for their wages.
As Malc's company host the website we ended up with VIP tickets to one of the evening performances held in the outdoor courtyard of the arts centre, with food and wine thrown in. We spent most lunchtimes watching acts out in the street, as well as 'Buskers at Brighton' in our neck of the woods. Highlights include
- Gamarjobat - japanese silent acrobat / magician duo
- Scott Nery - Dry witted american pancake juggler
- Joel Salom - Australian juggler accompanied by Erik the robotic dog
- Nate Cooper - Skinny drunken pogo-ing juggler / 'strongman'
- Blackstreet Boyz - Jive talkin' hip-hop dancers / comedians from LA
Other exciting news this weeks is the long awaited purchase of a surfboard by Darren, so Malc finally has a surfing partner, and the impending arrival of Katherine and Roy on Sunday for a two week visit. Also, summer seems to be here at last! Hopefully we can rub it in a bit to all those who were gloating about the UK heatwave last summer while our socks were freezing up.
Take care and stay tuned,
Malc & Annie